Monday, April 19, 2010

Beer & Food Dinner 7th May 2010

We're hosting a Beer matched with Food evening. If you would like to join in an evening filled with great beer, fine food and lots of fun check out the details at our web site: Hunter Beer Co.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Seasonals on Tap


It has been a fun filled month. We have ten (count them thats 10!) beers on tap at the moment.

Our regulars are all available and we presently have three seasonals:

Doc's Gose is down to the last keg. This has been a very enjoyable salty, sour coriander flavoured beer that has proved to be very sessionable.

We have sold out of bottles of our regular St. Patrick's Day celebratory Oyster Stout, but have plenty left on tap.

And last, but certainly not least, Jess' Chocolate Porter is a very tasty Brown Porter. In my humble opinion this is a style that is very underrated and our offering is an authentic version of the style - great drinkability, chocolate up front and nutty, toffee flavours in the background - it makes for a great session beer.

Happy tasting,
